Steamed Horn and hooves Meal

Steamed Horn and hoof meal. The horns and hoofs are treated separately. The hoofs are soaked in water until they become spongy and can be freed from the bones, after which they are spread out in the sun to dry. The horns are cured in the sun until the horn pith is completely dried and can be removed by hammering. The horns and hoofs together are put into an autoclave (digester) and steam cooked. The material is then dried and finely ground. Horns & hooves are available in sizable quantity in India. These are strictly non-edible item generated from the slaughtered animal. It is being used as a fertilizer in UK, Japan, Germany. It is an ideal fertilizer to be used in crops where slow release of nitrogen is required over a long period. Traditionally, horns & hooves have been used for the manufacture of a number of useful products such as buttons, combs, knife handles, fancy and decorative articles. Horns & hooves are very rich in nitrogen (14%). Which make Them an idle raw material for use as organic fertilizer. This is done by stem digestion of horns & hooves under pressure in a wet rendering vessel and milling the digested stock into powder, called steamed horns & hoof meal. Horns & hoof meal is noted for its delayed disintegration in the soil which take as long two to three years. For this reason, it is a favourite fertilizer for use in horticulture and fruit growing.